Wednesday, September 30, 2009

answers to prayer!!!

Wow God answers prayer in weird ways sometimes. I have been praying about my 2nd grade class and how to teach them because they are super wild!!! Well today the administrator came to me, she said they were letting a teacher go and that they would like me to teach 11th grade Literature. And because that is during the time I normally teach 2 grade, Laura is going to be teaching that class. I will miss the children from that class because they are special kids...but I will not miss teaching that class. I will definitely be praying for Laura because they are a wild bunch. But I am thankful that God is working in ways you never think of. Here you get to be prepared for anything... I start literature tomorrow. :)


  1. Have fun teaching literature. What books are they reading?

  2. Are they reading English literature -- or ???
    Guess it's probably English, but that would sure be an experience...

  3. 2nd graders = wild! No matter what country you are in, a bunch of 7 year olds in the same room will always be like a barrel of monkeys. haha! Hopefully, the 11th graders will be at least a little calmer:)
    Praying for you!

  4. thanks for your encouragement.. they sure were wild. There were 28 of them!!! and they don't understand English yikes... what a handful :) But they were sure sweet. Thanks for your prayers ;)

  5. I'm praying for you on a regular basis. Thanks for taking time to update us here on how you are :) Love ya, Priscilla
