Sunday, September 20, 2009

Great is thy Faithfulness

I love the gathering of God's people anywhere. Today was no different. Worshipping God with people of a different language is very eye opening. It is very neat to experience them singing to God in their language and worshipping God when I cannot understand them. I experienced this last Sunday. Their hearts overflow with worship. Today, however, I was longing to make a joyful noise to the Lord myself. It is very difficult to sing and worship in a different language...Today one of the songs was Great is Thy Faithfulness. I was able to sing this in English. It is amazing what comfort comes from those familiar words. "Thou changest not; thy compassions they fail not. As thou has been, thou forever will be." Today I took great comfort in these words. Our God is the same always. What we have seen him do in the past, He will contiune to do. No matter where we are, He takes care of us and guides us. His mercies are new every morning GREAT is His faithfulness.


  1. Worship is wonderful. Someday the judgment of Babel will be reversed and we will all raise our voices together in worship of our mighty God. He is indeed faithful.

  2. Bethany,
    I needed to "hear" your blog today. Thank you.
    I look forward to reading about what is going on in your life:)

  3. Bethany, thank you for your reminder of His Great Faithfulness! Why do we so quickly "forget" His blessings when we encounter trials! And, by "we", I mean "I"...
