Tuesday, September 29, 2009

God is so good!!! I love Him so much!!!!!

God is so good!!!! He give us so much more than we deserve! Wow, I can't put into words how good God is.
Yesterday night, I couldn't find my phone. I started praying about it. I looked everywhere I could think of here at the house and I still couldn't find it. I thought, well maybe it is at school. So I went to school today and looked in Laura's classroom; it wasn't there. I looked in all the rooms that I teach in it wasn't there.... I had no idea where it might be. I kept praying for it. At the end of the day, I decided to go look in the soccer field because I had played with the boys for a couple minutes the day before. I was walking out to the field and was stopped by the janitor lady, and she asked what I was doing. I tried to explain to her that I was looking for my phone. She finally understood, and she went to get the "lunch lady" to help. I walked out into the field. There was my phone. I walked straight to it!!! I was so excited. It had rained last night, but the phone was not damaged. Also the kids had played soccer on that field today and none of them stepped on it and none of them took it!!! God is so good. I was trying to express that to the ladies, I think they finally understood me after along while! :) It sure was hard to express my excitement and gratefulness in Spanish. I love that God cares so much about those details of our lives.
Also today a couple teachers from the school wanted to take us out to eat Honduran food..It was really good. They both spoke English. We were talking about lots of different things in life, and I was finally able to share the Gospel!!!!! This teacher is very scientific in her thinking, but she is very willing to talk more about God! I am praying that God will change her heart and bring her to Himself.
I love that God is so good. He is faithful and care so much about us from the big details of our live to the small ones!!!
Okay so funny story of the day yesterday. I decided to play soccer with the boys during recess. I hadn't played with them yet and I wanted to be able to build into their lives. So I started playing. The 2nd time I touched the ball... I kicked it over the wall. All the boys looked at me and started laughing. I started laughing too. I thought no problem, I'll just go outside the school run around the building and get the ball. I told the boys, I'll be right back... Well I leave the school and I forgot that the wall of the school kept going... No problem... I thought... I'll just go around the wall.... well to make a long story short I ended up running around the whole block and because everything is walled off I was not able to get in and get the ball. So here is this blond American running around the block in my school uniform, people driving by had to wonder what is going on with her!!!! On my way back, I decided to ask these construction workers if they could get the ball.. well my word consisted of jugamos futbol esta aqui The guy looked at me and then said in English, "Do you speak English?" I laughed and then explained what was going on. They were not able to get the ball either. So I went back to the school and the boys empty handed. I felt so bad cause they couldn't play soccer anymore cause they didn't have a ball. By now recess was almost over.. but I started teaching them to play Kum Cha anyway :).
This story makes me laugh, but at least the students know that I make mistakes too! :)

1 comment:

  1. Animo, Dios siempre nos da oportunidades de servirle en SU tiempo! Dios ha sido bueno convos hoy!!! Amen! Diciembre around the cornerrrrr lots to do!!!! ;) Evi
