Monday, September 14, 2009

Story of the Day...

So today in my 6th grade English class, I was explaining to the students how important it is for them to learn to speak English fluently. We talked about different jobs they could get and how it would help them a lot in life to be bilingual. I told them they have a great opportunity here in their school to learn 2 languages, even more than children in the United States. I informed them that I took Spanish in high school. One of the boys raised his hand and asked in amazement, "Miss, did you pass?" Of course I had to laugh at this because I passed with an A. But obviously, to them, I cannot speak Spanish.

We have one full week of classes, and this week is their independance day. This means there is no school. So my goal for this week is to prepare my classes for the year! Things have been going better as the students learn to adjust to my teaching style and I adjust to their learning style. Thank you all so much for your prayers.
Tomorrow night we invited a bunch of the teachers over to watch fireproof, I am praying that this will open some doors to good conversations. Continue to pray for the salvation of many. Thanks for your prayers that I will learn Spanish, I can definitely tell that God is helping me to remember!!!


  1. Wow that is awesome Bethany! I will definitely be praying for you and your position amongst your co workers

  2. That is a great story!! When you someday finish with this amazing experience, you should print out all your blog posts and put them in a scrapbook of some sort. They will be a memory to cherish forever!

  3. I hope you get well prepared this week. How did the video go?

    God bless you.

  4. you don't have school this week? what have you been doing?? please write and let us know how the movie went and how you are doing, you look beautiful and I love you!
