Friday, November 6, 2009

Let the earth hear His voice...

So many things have happened in the last two days... First let me share the most exciting news. Every Friday night we have a children's ministry that starts at 5:30 and goes to 6:30. Tonight was no exception. Except we got there and no one was there...We prayed for a little while that God would bring who He wanted and that He would save these children. Six o'clock rolled children...Six fifteen, Six twenty, finally at 6:25 two boys showed up. They said that there were more kids on their way.. We decided to wait and even though it was time to end we would do something with these children. The children that showed up were all older children (5th to 6th grade). Usually we have a program that is more for the 2nd and 3rd and younger. But tonight none of them came. We totally completely changed all our plans. We played a game that was more for their age group. Then we sat in a circle and share the gospel. Laura translated for me. Every one of these kids, 3 boys and 4 girls, sat with their eyes glued on me then Laura. They were listening with every aspect of their being. I don't think I have see kids ever more interested than these. They were so ready to hear the gospel. We gave an invitation for them to come to know Christ. Three of them looked up!!! The rest did not. But as far as the Spirit working in their hearts, I wouldn't be suprised if all of them came to know Christ tonight. It was so excited. God answered our prayer so specifically and quickly!!! He is so good. So tonight there are angels in heaven rejoicing and partying with Christ!!! Praise God.
I also wanted to share another cute story of the week. Yesterday, I was teaching in my first grade class. One of the boy accidently elbowed me in the eye. For some reason it hurt awlful and it brought tears to my eyes and I couldn't stop them. And you know how sometimes you start to cry and you just can't stop, not because of pain but because of the emtion of all the circumstance. HAHA so there I was with tears rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't really do anything but continue to teach, and I didn't want the boy to feel bad because it was an accident. All of the little first graders were completely silent and just stared at me. They didn't understand what had happened. One of the little girls got up and came and gave me a hug it was the cutest thing ever!!! Anyway, it is good and necessary to have a good cry sometimes..but probably not in English class. Right now I have bruise on my eyebrow that hurts to touch. Anyway, it will heal but it will be a story I will remember always.
God is faithful. I am so thank that He cares about my needs before I even know what they are going to be. He provides and shows His love in so many ways. I had been praying to find the movie Facing the Giants. I want to show it in some of my classes. I couldn't find it anywhere here. There are not alot of movie place. Anyway the other day Laura and I took a walk to another plaza, there was a movie rental place there. We went in just to ask and they had the movie!!! I was so excited. Then the lady told us that on Nov 15, 16, and 17 they are selling all the movies in their store because they have to many. The movie is on sale for 75 lempiras which is like $3.50 american dollars!!! Praise God!
As much as I miss my family and friends...God is right with me and for that I am thankful. Also my computer has a virus, but He has been helping me and Laura to figure out how to fix it and make it work... I could go on and on about the things that He is doing and has done. But I need to go to bed!
"Rejoice in the Lord always...again I say REJOICE"

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